The FCC is planning a 5G auction double header starting this fall with the 28 GHz auction (Auction 101) starting on November 14, followed by the 24 GHz auction (Auction 102). Following that, a 39 GHz Incentive Auction which will include both sellers and buyers of spectrum.
Innovative Suite of Auction Consulting Services

To assist you in being fully prepared for these important 5G mmWave auctions in the US, LYA provides an innovative full suite of auction consulting services starting with spectrum strategy discussions and valuation for the different bands. LYA’s support is renowned for and anchored on its advanced software for mock auctions and simulations that reflect the complete FCC rule set for each auction.
You can test bidding strategies and tactics against AI-based robotic bidders and run automated simulations to assess possible outcomes. We also provide user-friendly auction management tools to support round tracking and decision making during the auction, including tactical advice and analysis as rounds progress.
User-friendly Tools, Tactical Advice and Analysis
We also provide user-friendly auction management tools to support round tracking and decision making during the auction, including tactical advice and analysis as rounds progress.
And we offer hands-on bidding workshops to prep your team using our tools, ensuring you are primed and ready for Round 1.

LYA has supported bidders in past FCC auctions, notably for the landmark auctions of AWS3 and of 600 MHz. FCC Auction 101 will use the SMRA rules as in the AWS3 auction. FCC Auction 102 will use the Clock auction rules as in the 600 MHz auction. LYA stands ready to be of service in ensuring your success in bidding and in winning the targeted set of licenses. Please contact us to discuss how we can add value and be of service.